Wednesday, March 30, 2011


For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the LORD his God, as was the heart of his father David. - 1 Kings 11:4

     Relationships are crucial to our well-being. Family, friends, love interests, and even strangers all play an important role in our lives. We just saw the impact that Solomon was able to have on a stranger. The queen of Sheba was greatly impressed with what she found. We have seen the influence of David upon his son, Solomon. Now Solomon is face to face with the results of his relationship choices. God had warned Israel about the surrounding nations. God had commanded that Israel avoid intermarrying with their pagan neighbors. Solomon refused to listen. His lust and desire drove him to play with fire and he has now been burned. His many unbelieving wives turned his heart away from his God and led him to idol worship and pagan rituals. Where do my relationships lead me? I know that throughout my life I have had many relationships that were not healthy. I often lowered my standards to hang onto a friendship. I often did things with the "crowd" that I knew I should not do. As I Christian I don't believe in religion, I believe in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is the most important relationship of all. He is the only one who will never forsake me. Hebrews 13:5b - For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Working in a school, I see relationship problems every single day. Often someone is upset because their friend is spending more time with other people rather than them. It seems like silly, high school drama until I compare it with my spiritual life. How often is my life filled with spiritual "teenage drama" as I put other relationships before Jesus? How often do I turn away from Jesus because He isn't "cool" enough at the moment? I know I am guilty of keeping Him as a secret friend all too often. Like the nerd you are friends with outside of school, but never where you might be seen. Solomon in all of his wisdom threw away the most important relationship in his life. May my wisdom exceed that of Solomon and may my relationships always be in the right order of importance.

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