Monday, March 28, 2011

Actions speak louder

6 Then she said to the king: “It was a true report which I heard in my own land about your words and your wisdom. 7 However I did not believe the words until I came and saw with my own eyes; and indeed the half was not told me. Your wisdom and prosperity exceed the fame of which I heard. - 1 Kings 10:6-7

     Following yesterday's verses and the queens questioning of Solomon, we see her response. The queen of Sheba finds all of the rumors about Solomon to be true. In fact, she finds that he truly exceeds her expectations. Could the lost say the same about me? Each day there are hundreds of people around me that are waiting to see with their own eyes. I talk and witness and preach. I share the Gospel in word, but the world does not believe. They need more than words. The unsaved are looking for a reason to become a Christian. I'm afraid when they begin looking that they often don't see someone any different than they are. They hear about God's grace and forgiveness and about turning the other cheek and then they watch us devour our fellow believers over petty disputes. They watch churches split and crumble over the color of the new carpet. They watch secular corporations raise money and send relief to people in need while Christians plan their next church social. They hear us speak about holiness and righteousness and then listen as we curse, take God's name in vain, and gossip. They have heard of the patience of Job, but they see us when we're stuck in traffic. They have heard of the faith of Abraham, but they see us despondent over our jobs. They have watched hypocrisy grow and grow until it blocks out the light that God is shining toward them. How many people have I turned away with my sinfulness? How many people are now closer to hell because I was living closer to hell? I pray that in the future, my "queens of Sheba" will find that all they have heard is true. May they find that my life of service to Christ far exceeds their expectations.

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