Now when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the LORD, she came to test him with hard questions. - 1 Kings 10:1
How true this is! I constantly have students testing me with hard questions about my faith. I have come to realize how incredibly important it is to have an answer. False doctrine runs rampant in our society. We live in a time when "thought" and "science" rule and only stupid people believe in God. Christianity is constantly under attack from Satan's lies. Do I have an answer? How foolish we often look when we stutter and stammer and say "I don't know." The devil is somewhere smiling every time a Christian is cornered and flustered. I must constantly grow in knowledge. The more I learn the more sure I will become in my faith as well. As I searched for answers to these hard questions, the first thing I realized was my avoidance of major issues. Why do I believe what I believe? How do I explain certain theological issues? How do I justify certain actions seen in the Bible? It became clear that I had just floated along with the pastor's answers all my life and had never really searched out my own personal response. I feel that many Christians today are just like me. This is a major problem for our faith. A Christian who has never searched for answers, who has never solidified what they believe, will crumble under pressure. 1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear. This verse was written for a reason. We must always be ready to give a defense. We must know how to answer the hard questions. We will all have to give an answer to our own queen of Sheba. One day we may be startled to find a testing queen living on our own heart and mind. Be ready to give your answers.
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