26 If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.27 “Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify Your name.”
- John 12:26-28
These three verses jumped out and smacked me during church today. There is no earth-shattering thought today. There is no new revelation, discovered for the first time. Today there is just a short simple reminder. A reminder so strong and humbling it doesn't need me to expound deeply upon it. Jesus puts all things into perspective and says that if I truly want to serve Him, I must simply follow Him. I must strive to mirror His example and act more like Him each day. I must do the things that He did if I want to honor God the Father. If I am tempted to complain or make excuses, Jesus covers that in the next verse. He gives me His own example. He is troubled about what He must face on the cross in the near future. Is His answer to ask God to save Him from His very purpose? It is for the Father's glory that Christ must die. Shall He rob the Father of His glory and honor? If Jesus is willing to obey God the Father even to the point of death and separation, what excuse could I possibly muster? None. There is no room for excuses or complaints here. If I want to serve my Lord, I must follow Him. I know it's trite, overused, and shamelessly marketed, but I must live my life each day by the code of "What Would Jesus Do?" Anything less is not my best. Come, let's go follow Him.
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