Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge,but he who hates correction is stupid. - Proverbs 12:1
As I flipped my Bible open to Proverbs, this verse jumped out at me before I could even turn the page. I find it amazing that one short verse can be so convicting and have so many implications for our lives. The power of the Word is real. I find myself constantly talking to my students about the concepts addressed in this verse. I badger them with all of the usual "old person" advice and add to the misery that is being a teenager. I remind them that instruction and correction never go away and that they must learn to deal with it now if they want to be successful. Each time I give one of these "lectures" I am reminded of my need for the very same lecture. I often want to refuse instruction and correction and do things my way. I have always been a very independent person and this independence leads me to pride and arrogance. I honestly appreciate the concern and advice of others but I insist on solving the problem my way. While this attitude may ultimately only cause more stress and trouble in my life, it becomes even bigger when I have this attitude towards God. I decide that His advice is good advice, but I insist on finding my own solution. So many times I avoid the simple, God-designed plan and tackle the problem in my own strength. This usually just brings frustration as I slowly work my way right back to where I started, confess my arrogance to the Lord, and tackle the problem His way. I could save myself so much effort and pain if I would just humble myself and listen to God from the very beginning.
The second part of this verse goes even further and tells me that I should love correction as well. It is one thing to love instruction; loving correction is a whole different issue. It is easy to kindly ignore someone's instruction and advice, but very difficult to kindly ignore someone correcting my mistakes. This is the ultimate test for someone struggling with their pride. Admitting I was wrong and that someone else is right to correct me is one of the hardest things to do. Accepting God's correction can be even more difficult. There is no question that He is right; He's always right. I have no defense when I stand before His correction. This doesn't make it any easier on my pride. I must remember to be humble and accept God's instruction and correction. Proverbs very bluntly tells me that if I do not, I'm stupid. God uses instruction and correction in our lives to help mold us into His image. When I let my pride take over, I am resisting God's work in my life. I must put myself away and let the Potter do His work with the clay. The pot must never tell the Potter how to do His job. As hard as it may be, I pray that when I reach Heaven, my life will not have been one riddled with pride and stupidity, but one characterized by a love for instruction and correction.
Really enjoyed this one. This would make a great youth group lesson or devotion in a book. Loved this one. :)